One More Step Up


Greetings to all my Pig fans out there.

 Best Buddies

I have great news today. 


There are times in our lives when we achieve great accomplishments.


Like drinking our first beer.


Or scoring your first (real) phone number from a hot babe.

 What a smile

Perhaps it could be the first time you reach 100MPH on a motorcycle and still be in 3rd gear.


For writers it could be your first cover story on a magazine.  And that is what has been accomplished for me.


Yeap, squeeze me til I squeal cause I just got my first cover story writing for Thunder Roads Texas Magazine.


I’m so happy about; I wanted to share it with you all. 


It’s a story about two people falling in love and riding off into the sunset together.

 Isn't she pretty

Read it and tell me what you think.


Ride HARD or Stay Home.





This is God’s Country, Don’t Ride Through it Like Hell.




For those of you who didn’t hear, yesterday I spoke of an event so powerful it will change your life. 


An event so awesome that there will never be another one like it. 


This event is guaranteed to remove any and all symptoms of cabin fever or broken heart syndrome.


“Is there a catch to it” you ask?


Only one, you just have to be there.


We are three days and a awake up from the St. Valentines Day Massacre hosted by the Alamo City Gypsy’s.  This year the Rally will be in Hondo at the Medina County Fairgrounds.


There will be beer & B.B.Q..


There will be babes.


There will be bands with live music.


I am sending this out as a personal invite for all to come and enjoy a weekend of the biker lifestyle.


Leave me a reply if you are going or not.  For those of you who cannot be there letme know so I can drink a beer in your honor.   


The Winter Months Take Thier Toll


Pig Writes



Greetings to all my fine friends and companions.

 Got a Light?

Has the winter months been getting you down?


Did you NOT get everything you wanted for Christmas?


Did the 49’ers loss in the Super Bowl put you into a state of depression?


Or maybe you have a touch of the cabin fever?


Let me guess: Your girl friend just dumped you so she wouldn’t have to buy you a Valentines Gift?


Stop all that flubbering.  Put down that bag of Cheetos.  Dry your eyes and blow your nose.  Because I have great news just for you. 


We are 4 days and a wake up from a great event.  It is an event so powerful it will change your life.


Are You Ready For This?


It is now 4 days till the St. Valentines Day Massacre.


Yeap. Starting this Friday and running until Sunday there will be 3 days of pure biker partying.  And let me tell you buddy; this is one rally I am pumped up for.


I want you to make plans to be there, because come rain or shine we are gonna tear it up and I want you to be there standing (or leaning) right next to me.

 So come on down to South Texas for a party you will not soon forget. (Unless you wake up that way)

I’ll be back soon with more details.


Ride HARD or Stay Home.

